
Michael Bazzett is a poet and teacher. He is the author of four full-length poetry collections, two chapbooks, and one book of poetry-in-translation. His work has appeared in Ploughshares, West Branch, Guernica, Copper Nickel, The Sun, Tin House and 32 Poems, among others.

If you would like to follow him, please do so at a discreet distance. Or go to Twitter.

If you’re wondering what the The NY Times thinks of him, go here.

If you’re curious about other stuff, you could read this Prairie Schooner profile.

If you want to peek into his English classroom, you could peer through this window.

If you would like to be in touch, email him. (Send it to mbazzett at gmail dot com)

If for some inexplicable reason you wish to go to a reading on a cold night in Duluth, go here.

Or if you would like to take a walk around a pond, rambling about books while red-winged blackbirds call in the background, you could go here.